In Other Words
By Deema Jaradat
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***NOT a US Governemnt website; see disclaimer below!
You can look up terms in English or Arabic. You can also look up terms by source (form, document or website they are found in); for example, look up "CBP website"! This term base currently covers some terms found in the Form I-20, ICE-SEVIS website, CBP website, CBP Declaration Card, DHS 'Study in the States', and TSA website.
بإمكانك البحث عن المصطلحات باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية، كما ويمكنك أن تبحث عن المصطلحات وفقا لمصدرها (أي النموذج، أو المستند، أو الموقع الإلكتروني المذكورة فيه). على سبيل المثال، للحصول على الترجمة العربية للمصطلحات الإنجليزية الواردة في الموقع الإلكتروني لإدارة الجمارك وحماية الحدود الأمريكية، قم بكتابة "CBP website" في خانة البحث أدناه. تشمل قاعدة المصطلحات هذه ترجمة بعض المصطلحات الواردة في:
Form I-20, ICE-SEVIS website, CBP website, TSA website, DHS- "Study in the States", CBP Declaration Card.
IMPORTANT: This term base is an individual effort. It is free and will always be free. This term base is the capstone project of a scholarly paper pending publication that was written for credit in a graduate-level independent investigation course. I am not responsible for the misuse of the term base. Even though I translated these terms to the best of my knowledge, I assume no responsibility or liability for the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or usefulness of translations provided herein. THIS TERM BASE IS NOT A US GOVERNMENT WEBSITE AND DOES BY NO MEANS REPLACE THE NEED FOR CONSULTING US GOVERNMENT WEBSITE, OR FOR SEEKING THE PROFESSIONAL HELP OF LAWYERS, INTERPRETERS, OR TRANSLATORS, ETC.